VFA Recommended Books


Winning Rights in the Workplace

Lois Kathryn Herr
 224 pages


Publisher: Northeastern University Press
17 illustrations/chronology/tables/notes/index
2002 ISBN 1555535372 * $47.50 cloth 
2002 ISBN 1555535364 * $18.95 paper 

In the 1960s, Lois Kathryn Herr left her job as a seventh-grade English teacher and entered the ranks of AT&T, where in unprecedented ways she helped awaken the corporate giant to its injustices against women. What she and others accomplished by the early seventies would raise the standard of treatment of women in corporations throughout the United States. Yet in the beginning, Herr knew little of the burgeoning women’s movement. Here she tells about her growing feminist awareness and her career as an activist who remained loyal to her company while effecting positive change.

Engagingly written, Herr’s insiders’ view of women’s life in the corporate world is an invaluable case study of how reform really happens. LOIS KATHRYN HERR is Director of Marketing at Elizabethtown College, where she also teaches a colloquium on women at work. She spent twenty-six years working for various units of AT&T, and, after divestiture, NYNEX, before returning to her home county of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.


LOIS KATHRYN HERR is Director of Marketing at Elizabethtown College, where she also teaches a colloquium on women at work. She spent twenty-six years working for various units of AT&T, and, after divestiture, NYNEX, before returning to her home county of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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